Focus and scope
The annual journal JTA, Journal of Theatre Anthropology, founded by Eugenio Barba, is published every year in March, in an open access digital format and on paper, printed by Mimesis Edizioni of Milan-Udine. Conceived as a comprehensive knowledge sharing project on actor's techniques, the Journal is published under the auspices of the International School of Theatre Anthropology (ISTA), with the support of the Fondazione Barba Varley, in collaboration with Odin Teatret Archives and the Centre for Theatre Laboratory Studies of the Dramaturgy Department of Aarhus University (Denmark).
It was in 1980 when Eugenio Barba, one of reformers of international theatre of the second half of the 20th century, Odin Teatret’s founder and director, used the term "theatre anthropology" for the first time. He thus defined "the study of the behaviour of the human being in a situation of organised representation". Subsequently, this intuition developed in a "scientific" direction within the International School of Theatre Anthropology (ISTA), an itinerant laboratory of theoretical and practical research founded by Eugenio Barba in dialogue with artists and scholars from many countries. The common interest was theatre anthropology as research on the principles that determine the stage presence of actors in all cultures and latitudes.
The Journal collects and presents the studies and contributions produced in time on theatre anthropology, with the collaboration of a large international Scientific Committee and an Editorial Board (Simone Dragone, Leonardo Mancini, Rina Skeel, Julia Varley).
Publication frequency
The Journal of Theatre Anthropology is annual, published in March of each year.
APC and submission charges
The Journal of Theatre Anthropology does not ask for article processing (APC) or submission charges.
Printed copies
Printed copies can be purchased at book stores or from the Publisher