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No. 1 (2021): The Origins

Giving Life to the Past: Theatre Anthropology at Odin Teatret Archives

March 5, 2021


OTA (Odin Teatret Archives) keeps many documents concerning theatre anthropology and ISTA. After a brief description of the catalogues, the article gives several examples of the varied perspectives of research that scholars, students and theatre practitioners interested in ISTA and theatre anthropology can undertake through the consultation of paper documents, photos and videos stored at OTA.


  1. Barba, Eugenio. 1987. “The Actor’s Energy: Male-Female versus Animus-Anima.” New Theatre Quarterly, 3, no. 1: 237-40.
  2. Barba, Eugenio. 1988. “Eugenio Barba to Phillip Zarrilli. About the Visible and the Invisible in the Theatre and About ISTA in Particular.” The Drama Review 32, no. 3: 7-14.
  3. Barba, Eugenio. 2015a. The Moon Rises from the Ganges. My Journey Through Asian Acting Techniques. Edited by Lluís Masgrau. Holstebro-Malta-Wroc?aw-London-New York: Icarus Publishing Enterprise-Routledge.
  4. Barba, Eugenio. 2015b. La luna surge del Ganges. Mi viaje a través de las técnicas de actuación asiáticas. Edited by Lluís Masgrau. Argentina: Ediciones del Camino.
  5. Barba, Eugenio. 2017. La luna surge del Ganges. Mi viaje a través de las técnicas de actuación asiáticas. Edited by Lluis Masgrau. Mexico: Paso de Gato.
  6. Barba, Eugenio, Nicola Savarese. 1985. Anatomie de l’acteur. Un dictionnaire d’anthropologie théâtrale. Lectoure : Bouffonneries Contrastes.
  7. Barba, Eugenio. 1987. Anatomía del Actor. Diccionario de Antropología Teatral. México City: Editorial Gaceta.
  8. Barba, Eugenio. 1991. The Secret Art of the Performer. A Dictionary of Theatre Anthropology. Cardiff-London-New York: Centre for Performance Research – Routledge.
  9. Barba, Eugenio. 2005. A Dictionary of Theatre Anthropology. The Secret Art of the Performer. Translated by Richard Fowler. London-New York: Routledge.
  10. Barba, Eugenio, Francesco Galli, and Julia Varley. 2020. Genius Loci. Odin Teatret’s Home. Holstebro: Odin Teatrets Forlag.
  11. Cots, Toni. 1980. Letter to Gilla Cremer, July 26th. In OTA, Fonds Odin Teatret, Series ISTA, Subseries ISTA-A, b.1.
  12. Elsass, Peter, Jean-Marie Pradier, and Ferdinando Taviani. (1981) 2021. “Rapport sur la 2ème session de l’ISTA.” Journal of Theatre Anthropology 1: 61-9.
  13. Fowler, Richard, ed. 1986. The Female Role as Represented on the Stage in Various Cultures. Programme of the 4th ISTA International Session held in Holstebro in 1986. In OTA, Fonds Odin Teatret, Series ISTA, Subseries ISTA, b.3.
  14. Laborit, Henri. 1980a. “Le théâtre vu dans l’optique de la biologie des comportements.” Agressologie 21, no. 1: 1-5.
  15. Laborit, Henri. 1980b. Transcription du discours d’Henri Laborit, ISTA Symposium, 25 Octobre 1980 (Transcription of the speech by Henri Laborit, ISTA Symposium, October 25th, 1980). Typed on Odin Teatret’s headed paper, Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium for Skuespillerkunst. In OTA, Fonds Odin Teatret, Series Activities, b.44.
  16. Mancini, Leonardo. 2021. “Reading for the ‘Flying House’ (1979-80). Barba’s early research towards theatre anthropology.” Journal of Theatre Anthropology 1: 15-34.
  17. Munk, Erika. 1986. “The Rites of Women.” Performing Arts Journal 10, no. 2: 35-42.
  18. Odin Teatret Archives. 1987a. “Theatre anthropology 1 and 2: workshop by Eugenio Barba.” Produced by Videoteam Lecce, Italy, 1987, colour, 120 min., Italian. In OTA, Audio-visual Fonds, 87-01 b.
  19. Odin Teatret Archives. 1987b. “Theatrum Mundi in Copertino.” Produced by Videoteam Lecce, Italy, 1987, colour, 47min. In OTA, Audio-visual Fonds, 87-01a.
  20. Panigrahi, Sanjukta. 1979. Letter to Eugenio Barba, October 20th. In OTA. Fonds Odin Teatret, Series ISTA, Subseries ISTA-A, b.1.
  21. Phelan, Peggy. 1988. “Feminist Theory, Postculturalism, and Performance.” The Drama Review 32, no. 1: 107-27.
  22. Rietti, Francesca Romana. 2004. “I fogli dell’albero genealogico. «Teatrets Teori og Teknikk»: una conversazione con Eugenio Barba.” Teatro e Storia 25: 257-69.
  23. Savarese, Nicola. 1983. Edited by. Anatomia del teatro. Un dizionario di antropologia teatrale. Firenze: La Casa Usher.
  24. Savarese, Nicola. 2014. “Avventure di un dizionario. Note dedicate a Nando Taviani, raccolte con l’aiuto di Angelo Greco.” Teatro e Storia 35: 393-408.
  25. Schino, Mirella. 2018. The Odin Teatret Archives. Translated by Gabriella Sacco. London-New York: Routledge.
  26. Taviani, Ferdinando. 1980. Expertise su: il problema della formazione teatrale e l’ISTA (Expertise on: the question of theatre apprenticeship and ISTA), on the headed paper of Centro per la Sperimentazione e la Ricerca Teatrale of Pontedera. In OTA, Fonds Odin Teatret, Series ISTA, Subseries ISTA-A, b.2_3.4.
  27. Taviani, Ferdinando. 1996. “Theatrum Mundi.” In The Performers’ Village, edited by Kirsten Hastrup, 71-3. Graasten: Drama.
  28. Taviani, Ferdinando. 2007. Interview with Ferdinando Taviani 16/02/2007. Interview by Claudio Coloberti. Video, 55:28. In OTA, Audio-visual Fonds, 07-06b.
  29. Zarrilli, Phillip. 1988. “For Whom Is the ‘invisible’ Not Visible?” The Drama Review 32, no.1: 95-106.