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Facts and Tales

No. 2 (2022): Learning to See

The Spectator’s Shadow: ISTA Salento 1987: the practice of theatre dialogues

October 24, 2022


The author summarises the different stages of his continuous research on the 5th session of ISTA in Salento (1987) that he began in 1997. The text throws light on the ISTA participants’ group dynamic during the ‘closed’ part of the session, the variety of ‘dialogue- performances’ (barters) with the local population during the ‘open’ part, and quotes several observations by cultural anthropologist Piero Giacchè during his field work which lasted several months.


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  14. Odin Teatret Archives. 1987. “Antropologia Teatrale 1 and 2: workshop by Eugenio Barba.” Produced by Vid-
  15. eoteam Lecce, Italy, colour, 120 min., Italian. In OTA, Audio-visual Fonds, 87-01 b.
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  17. Audio-visual Fonds, 87-01a.
  18. Odin Teatret Archives. 1987b. “Rehearsals of Faust I and II.” Italy, colour, 38 min., Italian. In OTA, Audio-visual Fonds,
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  25. Bouffonneries 22/23: 225-243.
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